Tuesday, April 1, 2008


Alright, people, first post ever since I made this blog in, what? January?

Yesterday was Omar's birthday party.


His actual birthday was on the 27th though. He's five years old now. Yay, Omar! : )

The party was held at a playground right outside Auntie Tia's mom's house. It was pretty hot, but fun all the same. The theme was 'Your Personal Hero'. I dressed as myself! But only because I didn't know there was a theme until it was too late.

When I got there, Dan and Nana hadn't arrived yet, so I hung out with Didi. Twice, some little kid (his cousins, I think) pointed to us, laughing, and said in a sing-song voice, "You've got a girfriend!" It was quite amusing.

I haven't got pictures of the actual party (I'll steal some from Dan later) but I did take a few snapshots of the birthday card I made. : )

I had a lot of fun making it, and I'm really happy with the result! Everyone says I should start selling my handmade cards... Maybe I will. : ) Anyone interested?

To those who miss my book and my doodles, here's some of my recent drawings and random pages from my current book. : )

To see more of my drawings, please visit my devART. : )

you and me, and all of the poeple with nothing to do


Jules. said...

i miss that book!