Saturday, November 22, 2008

Colours of the...paints

After weeks and weeks of fretting about it, I've finally finished the acrylic painting for my Drawing final project.

I started doing it on Wednesday night, working on it form around nine till twelve, then spent the whole of the next day on it. And I mean literally the entire day, only stopping to eat my meals and a half hour break before dinner. I finally finished the painting around 20 minutes before two.

And here it is!!!

The original picture:

Progress shots:

The grapes and the background were a big pain.

I dominated the dining table, lol.

And of course, being me, I couldn't help but start painting on my self too. :)

Genjyo Sanzo! :D

And this is supposed to be a phoenix... but it looks more like a red peacock. :P

It feels great to have finished that painting. :)