Saturday, April 25, 2009

art dump

I haven't had a proper update in ages, have I? Well, I've been busy. That, and lazy. The usual.
Nevertheless, here are some pictures for you to stare at.

Yeah, I draw on MSN, because it's fun.
Yargghhh, (bad attempt at) perspective.

Daani surrounded by some species of flowers that probably don't exist, but do I care?
Obviously not.

Makes you want to roll around in some big open space
with some hot blue-eyed blond
doesn't it?
I grew to love these two random people.

K is for Kiba. Which is his name.

I would like to wear that outfit. Though it'll probably be hot. And kinda itchy.

I love Aredhel. I wish he was real so he could be my boyfriend. *sigh*

Daani (left) and Dai (right) are twin brothers (yes, the one with long hair is also a guy). I love them.

Daani again. He's just a lot of fun to draw. And no I didn't draw that 'D'. I edited it with Photoshop. I cheated.

Dareios. He is emo. Fear his demon eye, please.

Random person rendered with cross-hatching. Twas done in Photography class, don't tell my lecturer.