Saturday, April 5, 2008

"This is going to feel like an ant bite"

Guess what.


Look at the monster:

I don't know yet whether to get braces or not, but the orthodontist said whatever it is, she recommended I extract that tooth, cuz when I get older it might cause problems to my jaw joints or something like that. So yeah.

Yes, I was scared I suppose. I mean, who wouldn't be scared if someone wanted to pull out one of your teeth with a couple of pliers (that's what they looked like)? Plus I was alone in there. Mama and Abah were waiting outside. : P

The orthodontist and her assistant were nice though. : )

Dr Hanizah told me the shot would feel like an ant bite... *humourless laugh* Well, it was one heck of an ant bite. I felt like saying "holy shit" but it's hard to say anything when you've got a needle in your mouth.

After I got the shot, I realized I was trembling. : O Then came the time for the actual extraction...

Well, it didn't hurt, obviously, but it was still kind of nerve-wracking.

It DID get painful after a while though, when the numbness wore off. Back home, I tried to get my mind off the pain by watching cartoons. After watching Spongebob, PPG and Fairly Odd Parents, I managed to fall asleep and when I woke up, the pain had lessened. : )

Now it's almost all gone, and I took the gauze out of my mouth. When I ran my toungue over the place where my tooth was, I felt this gummy emptiness that felt weird. I was like "Holy shiitake, I have a hole in my mouth!" but then I realized that my mouth IS a hole... : P

Before going to the orthodontist's we went to Amcorp Mall, which was nearby. I bought this from a stall at the flea market:

It's a 'ittle husky magnet. x3 It was too cute to resist. And I like huskies. Too bad I can't have one. : ( The stall lady kept saying "Thank you, Miss!" : )

Big Husky and ittle Husky : )

When I got big Husky (around 10 years ago...?) I was asking my brothers what they suggested I should call him, and Arif said "Husky". At the time I don't think I knew what a Husky was, and just thought of it as "dog". So I thought "Husky" was a brilliant name. So "Husky" it was. xD

I love my Huskies. :3

Oooh, Mama also bought these purdy cupcakes:

But but I CAN'T EAT THEM. ; ___ ;

Oh, well. At least... at least... uh...

Dang, I wanna eat those cupcakes. : (

Oh how wrong we were to think that immortality meant never dying.