For now. :P
Well, not that free. I just realized just now, during lunch, that I'm gonna have my semester break. But Julia isn't. Meaning I'll be home to help her do homework. Oh, horror. D:
In fact, I just helped her finish today's homework. It was...the usual drama.
Anywhos, today was my Proficiency English paper, which was fine, as I always say for almost all things. I finished an hour earlier and immediately left the hall. I couldn't stand the cold. It was FREEZING.
me: Shit, the cold. Fuck, the cold. Shit, the fuck, the cold. Shit, the fucking cold. Fuck the shitty cold, etc...
And y'all know how I lack any natural insulation. Seriously, I should get some of that.
Unfortunately, I seem to like eating even less nowadays. I get full much faster. Well, not full exactly, I just seem to reach my eating limit quicker these days. I have no clue why. Yesterday I was eating that chicken chop thing at KFC (which is nothing more than the normal fried chicken, with mash potato gravy) and couldn't finish it. Usually I can finish the whole snack plate (minus the coleslaw), but now I had to half force myself to finish the fries and bun. And yet I hardly have trouble finishing my drink.
After, even thinking about a plate of KFC made me feel sick, but thinking about giraffes eating bloody carcasses* made me feel considerably less sick.
There is something wrong with that, I should think.
I read The Chronicles of Narnia until the 3rd last book, which is The Dawn Treader, and stopped because I just couldn't resist the tempting, non-existent call of Un Lun Dun. Hahah. And I gotta say, I LOVE THE BOOK. It is so so so so awesome and UNIQUE.
*Btw, in Un Lun Dun, giraffes are scary, blood-thirsty carnivores. Yay. :D
I bought books just now. One's called The Stolen Child by Keith Donohue, and the other is a children's book which I couldn't resist because it has pretty water colour illustrations. :P They cost RM12 and RM3 respectfully.
And now, I only have 1 buck in my wallet, not including the odd sen or two. *sigh* I hate being broke.
I like to draw. :'>
YAY BOYS!!! The one with the tie is Guy-Fee, named Edrick (she picked the name) Fawkes (I picked the surname). The messy-haired one is Guy-Huda, named Mizushima (I picked the surname) Hikari (her nickname). And the one that doesn't look like a guy is Guy-Me (D:), named Lii (derived from Liina, my nickname) Ambrose ( starts with 'a').
Oooh, photoshop~! :D
Huda likes green, so green he is. Btw, Mizushima Hikari (I like saying his name) is pretty much gay. Or at least bi. Go figure. BUT HE AIN'T A WUSS. God, no.
Yay, he's pink. :3 Mr Fawkes is a prefect, an athlete, and a heart-throb. *laughs*
...I didn't play around with Guy-Me because...I'm not as fun. To play with. *giggles*
It means No Worries.