Saturday, September 6, 2008

Tag'd again.

1. Six People to Tag
Screw this! Lisa, Shari, Fairy, Ida, Bree, Sarah and me. (no one said I can't tag myself, right?)

2. Six Things I'm Passionate About
-friends & family ;)
-drawing (in my own style)
-music (though I don't play it)
-my original characters

3. Six Things I Say Too Often
-What the fell???
-Shut up.

4. Six Books I've Read Recently
-The Novice (Trudi Canavan)
-The Magician's Guild (Trudi Canavan)
-Un Lun Dun (China Mieville)
-The Chronicles of Narnia (CS Lewis)
-The Kite Runner (Khaled Hosseini)
-Eating the Underworld (Doris Brett)

5. Six Songs I can Listen to Again and Again
-The King Of Pride Rock (Hans Zimmer)
-Whatever They Say (DBSK)
-Why Did I Fall For You? (DBSK)
-Love Before the Century (Jay Chou)
-Sayonara Solitaire (Saeko Chiba)
-The Hello Song (Animaniacs)

6. Six Things I Learnt in the Past Year
-that MPH is a Malaysian company...
-some of the people in this world are surprisingly shallow
-one friend in a sea of unfamiliar faces can put a smile on your face with just one word
-some people just never learn
-even if you're not ready, give it a try and who knows what may happen
-being hungry can hurt!