Friday, July 11, 2008

Relax, Take It Easy

I just got home from Opah's, and am in a state of bra-less bliss. Heheh. That was just the line that popped into my head when I took off my bra. xD

I was pretty much alone throughout the day. Alone meaning without Nana or Dan, that is. I was still surrounded by the rest of the lot. Dan was at school, helping with preparations for Scouts gathering tomorrow. Nana was having tuition.

So after lunch, I went upstairs and watched National Geographic while flipping through an IKEA catalogue. This is what I like to do. Watch animal documentaries and flip through IKEA magazines. :)

Anyways, I was quite happy watching TV. I was planning to watch The Producers on HBO after the documentary (about people in Thailand working with King Cobras), but then Mama said I was to follow the rest of them to Tok Cik's house to help out with the preparations for Nadia and Hanan's cukur jambul which is tomorrow.

I was pretty bummed. :(

But I had quite some fun at Tok Cik's house. After tying bows to the yasin bottles, I mostly looked after the kids on and off with Acap, making sure they didn't kill themselves one way or another. I was Armand's personal escort, following him loyally wherever he felt like going, watching that he didn't fall into a fish-infested pond, or get too close to the melee of rowdy boys (Adam, Imran and Omar, that is). The boys were playing outside, while Armand sat in a safe place (my lap) to watch them. One day, when he's older, he's gonna be one of those crazy boys...

Later, when Kak Tin brought Armand off to minum susu, I took to following Imran and Omar around, talking to them. The three of us were sitting outside, playing rock paper scissors. Imran kept telling me what to do, and Omar kept saying "I cut you!" with his scissors-fingers, no matter what it was I pulled out, may it be paper, scissors, or rock. It was funny.

Then I got tired and went into one of the rooms to lie down, after taking the two boys to wash their black feet. Cami and Acap went back to their house to mengaji, and Adam and Sarah followed, so Julia, Imran and Omar accompanied me in the room. After a while, Salma came in to. She's so cute!!! xD I actually heard her talk today. She kept pulling at Omar's hand. Haha. Omar, you have an admirer!!! x3

Then around 5 something, Mama, Opah, Julia and I went back to Opah's because we had mengaji too, and Ustad was coming there. He came around 7 or so, and I spent the time before that bathing and then sleeping.

After ngaji, I made myself a toasted cheese sandwich which was goooood. xD And then I read a bit, wandered around a bit, stared into space a bit.

Then Uncle Zak and Auntie Tia arrived, followed by Abah, then Nana, and we had dinner.

And here I am now.

DA changed its look again. Pretty darn cool, though at first I was all shocked and thinking, "What the hell did they do to my message box?" But so far I'm liking the new look. :)

Well, I better get to sleep now. Gotta wake up early tomorrow to go for the cukur jambul. After that, I'm gonna go watch Nana perform at her school's IU Day (don't remember what it stands for). She's opening with Salsa!! Yay! :)

Sometimes I wonder
"Why is that frisbee getting bigger?"
...and then it hits me.